Account Set Up


So, you’ve decided to jump onto the Amazon band wagon, and tap into hundreds of millions of die hard Amazon users.  Good move.

But, like most Amazon newbie’s, you simply don’t know where to start.

This mini-course will teach you fundamentals to setting up your account, through step-by-step video tutorials.  You’ll learn how to create a new seller account, to managing the crucial settings that are required to get your business off the mark.

In addition to this, one of our Amazon experts will jump onto a call with you to formulate a long-term Amazon strategy for your business, so you safely launch knowing you’re going in the right direction.

Built by Ex-Amazon Employees

Former-Amazon Account Manager

George Reid

George oversees the implementation of our clients growth strategies. His time at Amazon stemmed across multiple roles, including launching Amazon Business (B2B) and Seller-Fulfilled Prime.

Former-Amazon Account Manager

Ben Timmons

Ben was a leading member of the FBA team before moving across to help drive the launch of Amazon Business (B2B) in the UK. He’s our FBA and B2B guru now, filled with internal gems to give you that competitive edge.

Strategic Growth Consultant

Tom Reid

The Black Sheep (didn’t previously work at Amazon!). Whilst Tom didn’t work at Amazon, like the rest of the team, he’s built multiple e-commerce businesses from the ground up and manages operations and programme development.

By The End of The Course You Will....

  • Have a set up, operational professional seller account.

  • Know how to active operational settings, such as holiday modes and shipping settings.

  • Have a deep understanding of Account Health, and what you need to do to ensure you don't fall foul of Amazon's guidelines.

  • Know exactly how to manage your inventory, and the importance of building inventory files.

  • Have calculated your Amazon fees per product listing, utilising our bulk pricing calculator.

  • Have a thorough understanding of what we call 'House Keeping' duties, such as: business reports, customer service, pricing tools etc.

  • Be in a position to start selling your products to hundreds of millions of customers.

What's included?

  • 1

    Account Set Up

    • How to Create an Amazon Seller Account

    • Change Your Selling Plan & Enrol on New Amazon Services on Seller Central

    • Edit Display Name and Customer Service Details

    • Manage Payment Information and Charge Methods

    • Setup Shipping Settings

    • Activate Holiday Settings

    • How to Add a New User and Set User Permissions

  • 2

    The Basics

    • Introduction to Account Health & How to Provide Great Customer Service

    • Understanding Business Reports – Part 1

    • How to Understand Your Amazon Costs & Margins

    • How Long Before I Start to See Results on Amazon?

  • 3

    Inventory Management

    • Inventory Reports: Listing Quality and Suppressed Listings

    • Inventory Reports: Referral Fee Report

    • Manage Inventory: What do Each of the Options on the Drop Down Menu Mean? (Fulfilled By Amazon)

    • Manage Inventory – What do Each of the Options on The Drop Down Menu Mean? (Self-Fulfilled)

    • Navigate the Manage Inventory Page

    • Review of Inventory Reports

    • Demo Video on a Well Managed Inventory File and its Importance

  • 4

    Amazon Pricing

    • What is Our Bulk Pricing Calculator & How Do You Use It?

    • How To Update Your Prices & Quantities in Bulk

    • Setup Automated Pricing & Add SKU's Manually

    • Add SKU’s to Automated Pricing Rule in Bulk

    • Understand Your Amazon Costs and Margins

    • Understanding Business Report - Part 1 - Child ASIN's & Dashboard Overview

What's the Cost?

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

We want this course to make you money, with the small investment you're about to make being returned multiple times over.

Therefore, if after taking the course you don't feel as if we've generated value to your business, you can request your money back in full.

No questions asked. 

You're just a few clicks away from mastering Amazon

Let us show you how



  • How do I take in the content?

    'How to' videos are done over the shoulder, so you can follow the process step-by-step. Watch bite-sized classes on your own schedule. Learn on the go, anytime, anywhere, on mobile or laptop.