Amazon Advertising


Amazon advertising has now become the third largest digital ad platform, just behind Google and Facebook. It’s huge, and only going to increase in size and become more advanced over the next 12-months.

As a seller, knowing how to use the available advertising tools correctly, such as: Sponsored Product Ads, Sponsored Brand Ads, Lightning Deals and Promotion tools, can make a huge difference in your business results.

Not only will you save a lot of wasted money on ineffective advertising, but more importantly, you’ll generate significant sums of profit when done right.

This course will teach you the basics of using this advertising system, walking you through how to actually implement the available tools. Once you are proficient at the basics, we’ll teach you more advanced tools and strategies, so you can start driving more traffic today and see results quickly.

Built by Ex-Amazon Employees

Former-Amazon Account Manager

George Reid

George oversees the implementation of our clients growth strategies. His time at Amazon stemmed across multiple roles, including launching Amazon Business (B2B) and Seller-Fulfilled Prime.

Former-Amazon Account Manager

Ben Timmons

Ben was a leading member of the FBA team before moving across to help drive the launch of Amazon Business (B2B) in the UK. He’s our FBA and B2B guru now, filled with internal gems to give you that competitive edge.

Strategic Growth Consultant

Tom Reid

The Black Sheep (didn’t previously work at Amazon!). Whilst Tom didn’t work at Amazon, like the rest of the team, he’s built multiple e-commerce businesses from the ground up and manages operations and programme development.

By The End of The Course You Will....

  • Know exactly how to set up automatic and manual pay-per-click campaigns, and the exact strategies we implement on accounts to ensure you can generate a healthy ROI.

  • Know how to optimise your campaigns to drive down your ACoS (Average Cost of Sales) score.

  • Have a deep understanding of your PPC metrics, and know how to utilise this data to further enhance your campaigns.

  • Know what data to extract from your advertising reports, and how to re-embed it back into your listings to further optimise them.

  • Know how and when to utilise vouchers, to differentiate your product, generate urgency and increase sales.

  • Know how to set your bids for products with no existing PPC data, preventing you from 'winging it' and losing money.

What's included?

  • 1


    • What You'll Achieve

  • 2

    Product Research

    • Product Research - Introduction

    • Two Things You Must Consider Before Ordering Your Stock

    • How to Find Your Niche

    • Identifying Your Unique Selling Point - Part 1

    • Identifying Your Unique Selling Point - Part 2

    • How to Conduct Product Research - Live Example

    • How to Undertake a SWOT Analysis of a Competitive Category

    • How To Differentiate Your Product From The Competition

  • 3

    Product Validation

    • How To Use An MVP Tester Group To Validate Your Product

    • How To Use A Pre-Launch Lead Page To Validate Your Product

    • How To Communicate To Your Audience From Pre-Launch Landing Page

    • How To Set Up An Online Focus Group

    • How to Use Independent Reports to Validate Product

  • 4

    Building A Brand

    • How To Build A Moat To Protect Your Brand

    • How To Utilise Enhanced Brand Content To Drive Engagement and Increase Sales

    • How To Create A Brand Centric Shopping Experience Through Your Amazon Storefront

  • 5

    Listing and Launch

    • How To Construct A Fully Optimised Amazon Listing To Increase Sales Rank And Conversions

    • How To Successfully Launch A New Product

What's the Cost?

  • $79.00 / month with 14 day free trial

    Regular price

  • $660.00 / year with 14 day free trial

    Annual Fee


30-Day Money Back Guarantee

We want this course to make you money, with the small investment you're about to make being returned multiple times over.

Therefore, if after taking the course you don't feel as if we've generated value to your business, you can request your money back in full.

No questions asked. 

You're just a few clicks away from mastering Amazon

Let us show you how



  • Why is it an annual subscription?

    Amazon in 6-months will be completely different to Amazon right now. If you don’t adapt, you’ll get left behind. We will therefore publish fresh, new content on a monthly basis, to ensure you are up to date with the latest strategies and selling tools.

  • Do I have to renew after 1-year?

    No, you can cancel your subscription at anytime.

  • How do I take in the content?

    'How to' videos are done over the shoulder, so you can follow the process step-by-step. Watch bite-sized classes on your own schedule. Learn on the go, anytime, anywhere, on mobile or laptop.